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Photo: Malthe Ivarson

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❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ “ Danish master guitar player reminds us that all hope is not lost .. Here the emotions are not just on the outside, they are blown out through the instruments and encloses the listener.”
– David Dyrholm, Politiken (DK)

Best Jazz on Bandcamp, November 2023
” I have been unable to stop listening to BABEL. It has its hooks in me deep.”
– Dave Sumner, Bandcamp

“..a beautiful work that challenges simplistic, binary narratives of social media and demands more complex and thoughtful attention and sensitivity to the sonic details, languages and perspectives of these gifted musicians, as well as of the others around us. It certainly guarantees a powerful healing effect.” Eyal Hareuveni (IL), Free Jazz Blog.

★★★★★☆ “..a timeless work that will continue talking to new generetations. ..totally
uncompromising and original view on the world.” Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen (NO).

“..the most beautiful vinyl i have seen for years. ..the music holds images of a possible interhumane conversation”. Niels Overgård, (DK)

★★★★★ “Masterpiece. Musically awesome, visually over the top. ..Ambitious Mark Solborg builds his own BABEL – a fully extraordinary work. Ivan Rod, Gaffa (DK)


“A masterpiece of true beauty…”

“..brilliant Danish- Italian trio. ..In this often rarefied atmosphere, atomized electro-acoustic sounds combine in perfect synchronicity, creating a stunning series of oneiric and almost Miro-esque sound worlds. Rewriting the rules of contemporary chamber jazz, Solborg’s music is as vital today as Joe McPhee’s Po Music ensembles of the 90s.” – Fred Grand – JazzJournal.UK 

“Such profound and rare beauty is achieved only when kindred spirits meet and keep refining their poetic agenda.” – Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts

Best Jazz in June 22 on Bandcamp
“This music here is an electric current. Its sound is subdued, but its presence radiates a power that’s as likely to deliver a gentle shock as brighten the room with its warmth”…..
– Dave Sumner, Bandcamp.

“..a masterful set by like-minded, imaginative sonic alchemists. Solborg, Santos Silva, Greve and Lovens are all masters of the art of the moments,  ..It is about deep listening, which leads in its turn to the natural flow of music. The dynamics are intimate, conversational and poetic, letting the music sing and blossom in its own accord and shape organically. .. TUNGEMÅL III is a remarkable conclusion for Solborg’s extensive study.”  – Eyal Hareuveni, Salt peanuts


❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ The melodies are beautiful, and behind them you sense an open door, straight out and up to the dark and unknown universe.. ..disturbingly beautiful and huge ambitious accomplishment.
– Thomas Michelsen, Politiken.

“Unique would be an understatement…
.. beautifully crafted with passion, love and creativity and the listener is constantly rewarded by surprise and the unexpected juxtaposition of sounds, instruments and space.  It is a work of art and would easily justify space in any contemporary art gallery..
– Ian Lomax, JazzJournal, UK

..en gigantisk og ambitiøs forskning i musikkens indre, mystiske og emotionelle ytringer. Men også vi lægmænd kan se os belønnede og samtidig anerkende Mark Solborgs pionerarbejde.

Mark Solborg leve længe; det kommer der godt ud af både for det lyttende menneske og den lyttende musikforsker.”
– Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)

4,5/5 “Extensive and profound artistic study […] rich and organic […] fascinating sonic koans”
– Eyal Hareuveni, The Free Jazz Collective

“It’s refreshing when an artist dares to think so deeply about music and documents the process so others can be inspired .
.. a sprawling multimedia work of art that opens new vistas for the guitar and Solborg’s own music.
Jakob Bækgaard, All About Jazz

★★★★★ “This is convincing! Consistent! And quite obviously ambitious … remarkable and admirable.”
– Ivan Rod

“Welcome to the wonderful world of a versatile creative for whom an end result is the step to the next challenge.”
– Georges Tonla Briquet, Jazz’Halo

“a highlight in Solborg’s career”
– Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen

ON DOG – Dielectric

“Rarely have I heard a more intelligent use of electronics aiming at ensemble music with tonal valeur. Thanks for that – and for all the rest. ON DOG has with their mesmerising polyphonic melodic and rhythmical complexity consolidated their position as an International master-band with a truly original sound.” 

“Aldrig har jeg hørt en mere intelligent brug af elektronikkens virkemidler med sigte på ensemble-musik med primær tonal valeur. Tak for det – og for alt det andet. On Dog har med sin suggererende, polyfoniske melodik og rytmiske kompleksitet befæstet sin rolle som et mester-band på verdensplan med sin helt originale sound.” 

Bjarne Søltoft, JazzSpecial DK

Maniscalco/Bigoni/Solborg: FOIL

“Maniscalco is a treasure of pianistic intelligence and sensitive transparency .. Bigonis mastery of euro-classical clarinet with Solborgs textural guitar underneath .. Solborgs “Voices From the Ground” is a masterpiece.. This is grand!” – Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)

♥♥♥♥♥ (5/6) 
Fascinating and original.  The trio are like three wise men .. and has created their very own sound with a melodic atmosphere of adventure and attention to the smallest details. Christian Munch-Hansen, Politiken.

..this is music of the kind that makes the world stand still. The trio navigates freely and with intense concentration in chamber musical interplay.
– Niels Overgaard, Jazznyt


Live: ..Indescribable Beauty. A vertiginous symphony of sound that spellbound the audience for the duration of the concert. The album: It is generous, sublime, innovative …, and deserves the greatest attention far beyond the realms of contemporary music…
Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)

…you become one with the sound .. Communication-wise this is some of the most impressing I have seen in a long time from Danish artists ….if you’re into experimental and abstract music this album is no. 1. on your future shopping list – Niels Overgaard, Jazznyt

★★★★★ (5/5)
“…this project presents a fascinating, even illuminating, listening experience. Each listening session deepens the intense, captivating power of this work, revealing more and more nuances, colors, shapes and textures. You feel that you can drawn into the meditative, sometimes turbulent breaths of Dörner, stroked by the wise, minimalist touches of Solborg and Zach or charmed by the eccentric-ecstatic vocals of Rexen. A highly stimulating, almost hallucinogenic experience is guaranteed.” – Eyal Hareuveni,

Mark Solborg & Herb Robertson: Tuesday Prayers
Tonight, they speak together through music. Steel strings bending and the gurgling sound of brass in the night.  Lines so beautiful they shine like a light. Sound becomes a hymn. Music becomes a prayer. Every day is a gift.
Jakob Bækgaard, All about Jazz

On this focused live recording American trumpeter Robertson and Danish guitarist Solborg use their instruments with some minor preparation for a well-paced six track program that successively demonstrates the near impossible: creating minimalist folkish timbres that are anything but reductionist; plus exposing roaring textures that are stentorian without being offensive. – Ken Waxman, JazzWord

★★★★★ (5/5)
..a masterclass of texture and microtonal subtlety. .. This recording deserves its five stars not only for it’s introspective beauty but also for it’s sense of quiet adventure and tasteful restraint. – Dave Foxall, Jazz Journal, UK

★★★★★ (5/5)  “…you’re surprised the album has drawn to a close without ever noticing the passage of time. This is probably due to the strength of the writing, something that really stands out on this excellent release. The beautifully composed themes which flirt with the music of silence, nostalgia and serenity, mean that I will surely be returning to this fine album for many years to come.” – Joe Higham,

Uncompromised music, alternating airy moments and brightly lyrical episodes, all defined by a simple and straightforward writing which luckily avoids self-satisfaction and virtuoso dribbling. –  Carlo Boccadoro – Internazionale (ITA)

..hypnotic unshakable phrases and melodies thinking organism that is capable of poetic beauty and strong spirituality. ..unique in it’s integrity, melodic language and contemporary-poetic atmosphere. What a stroke of luck ! – Jazznytt, Norway.

Maniscalco/Bigoni/Solborg haben eine musikalische einheit mit starker eigene signatur ausgebildet, die entsprechende aufmerksamkeit verdient. – Henning Boltne, Jazz Thetic.

Mark Solborg/Anders Banke: SONG
 …strong stuff ! The ballads are played with a serenity that stops time. ..What makes this album radiant is the impressive interplay .. This record deserves to be heard!  – Jazznyt, Denmark

On Dog: Part I & II
..the clarinet of Bigoni floats through a fragile veil of sound and destills a truly adventurous epos of profoundly moving beauty. The music grows with every replay and confirms the quintet ON DOG as a new refreshing band with an original sound, based on mesmerizing, polyfonic contemporary melody – dancing in complex rhythms. Bravo ! –  Jazznytt, Norway

Brilliant recording, genuine and perky musicianship, shrewd compositions, band interplay and interesting arrangements. Unconditional recommendation!” –

Une collaboration exemplaire et “Made in Europe” ..ces deux disques sont une sorte de modèle de ce que l’on aimerait voir plus souvent advenir sur notre Vieux Continent! – Thierry Quénum, Jazzman (FR) [CHOC-sticker on both records]

Mark Solborg Trio feat. Herb Robertson & Evan Parker: The Trees
…A high point in Danish Improjazz. The Trees is some of the best Solborg has produced. Music that has it’s own spirit and becomes a living organism, filled with wonder and joy. My soul, could you wish for more ? –

Solborg 4+4+1 feat. Chris Speed
Solborgs 4+4+1 nonet moves like a proud ship with all sails up into the wind, carrying a dear treasure delivered with great trust and loving care. It is set ashore on the pier of this years most exquisite Danish jazz. – Jazzspecial, DK