Omdrejninger is originally a commissioned piece by Christian Skjødt and MS. Written and designed for the Wundergrund Festival 2014, in Copenhagen.
The short explanation: A handpicked ensemble, of highly individual musicians, playing original music and improvisations, processed into a specially designed patch and broadcast through a 4+2-way multi-speakersystem allowing spacial displacements and sonic enlargements. Everything designed specifically for the location. Inspired by the works of Cage, Kaija Saariaho, Maja Ratkje ,Cardiff and Miller a.o. the idea is to create what we call a spatial instrument constructed by ensemble and speakers. In this case we placed the band in the middle surrounded by the audience surrounded by the speakers. This way both musicians and audience share the same (intense) auditive perspective. The danish word Omdrejninger translates best into revolutions (as in r.p.m.), turns or rounds...
In 2017 we released a beautiful and dense audio/visual album. Available as a limited super deluxe double 180g vinyl album + visual renditions (video) + photo-poster, CD or digital version.
The album received these very kind words from Niels Overgård and " become one with the sound .. Communication-wise this is some of the most impressing I have seen in a long time from Danish artists ....
if you're into experimental and abstract music this album is no. 1. on your future shopping list"
Downbeat News on Omdrejninger release concert at Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2017:
..a highly controlled flair for placement and timing .. whirling sonic delicacy.
Have a taste..
Danmark Deutschland 2020. Copenhagen July 2020. In collaboration with Goethe Institut Dänemark, KoncertKirken, Statens Kunstfond, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden a.o. All photos by Hipermania.
Release at Copenhagen Jazzfestival , Skuespilhuset, 2017
For the 2014 premiere at Koncertkirken in Copenhagen the ensemble consisted of:
Axel Dörner - Trumpet & Electronics
Michael Rexen - Voice
Jakob Kullberg - Cello
Bjørn Heebøll - Drums & Percussion
Christian Skjødt - Processing, Shortwave-radio, RC Oscillator
MS - Guitar, devices and conducting
The Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2015 edition lineup:
Axel Dörner - Trumpet & Electronics
Ingar Zach - Gran Cassa & Percussion
Christian Skjødt - Processing, Shortwave-radio, RC Oscillator
MS - Guitar, devices and conducting
One of the visual renditions by Laurits Flensted-Jensen
...what a privilege. Both editions have been unique and beautiful experiences for both audience and musicians.
Danish Omlyd wrote:
“..en fornemmelse af, at det rum-instrument, som er blevet skabt i værket, har kræfterne til at tage af sted og lette med os alle. Selvom det måske ikke har været hensigten med værket at skabe en forbindelse til det overjordiske, så er der som lytter øjeblikke i det lydlige univers, som opleves transcenderende. Koncertkirken som rum har måske fået en ny funktion, hvor rummet ikke længere er formidler mellem mennesket og gud, men til det grænseudvindende og overskridende i musikalsk og lydmæssig forstand. I dette tilfælde faciliteret af en kombination af lyd, rum og teknologi.” - Laura Berivan Nilsson, Omlyd
Photos by Hanne Budtz-Jørgensen:
More on the the new double album + visual renditions:
Niels Overgaard, Jazznyt, DK: "Best of 2017"
Dave Foxall, A Jazz Noise, UK: "Best of 2017"
Bjarne Søltoft & Eyal Hareuveni Jazznytt, Norway: "Best of 2017"
Live: ..Indescribable Beauty. A vertiginous symphony of sound that spellbound the audience for the duration of the concert.
The album: It is generous, sublime, innovative and epochal, and deserves the greatest attention far beyond the realms of contemporary music... - Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)
The album received these very kind words from Niels Overgård and
" become one with the sound .. Communication-wise this is some of the most impressing I have seen in a long time from Danish artists ....if you're into experimental and abstract music this album is no. 1. on your future shopping list"
Downbeat News on Omdrejninger release concert at Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2017:
..a highly controlled flair for placement and timing .. whirling sonic delicacy.
From Eyal Hareuveni at
★★★★★ (5/5)
"...this project presents a fascinating, even illuminating, listening experience. Each listening session deepens the intense, captivating power of this work, revealing more and more nuances, colors, shapes and textures. You feel that you can drawn into the meditative, sometimes turbulent breaths of Dörner, stroked by the wise, minimalist touches of Solborg and Zach or charmed by the eccentric-ecstatic vocals of Rexen. Or you can surrender fully to this totally weird and abstract sonic journey. A highly stimulating, almost hallucinogenic experience is guaranteed.”
..en usædvanlig lp med eksperimenterende gruppemusik og et prægtigt visuelt tilbehør. ..Her rejser sig en særlig dramatik og dynamik. Især D-siden fascinerer med sine langsomt tiltende klange og en eventyrlig udvikling - Politiken.
At Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2015 with Axel Dörner and Incredible Norwegian percussionist Ingar Zach:
We're currently looking into further developments and future reappearances in various forms.
Omdrejninger 2014-17 is supported by Danish Arts Foundation, DJBFA, The Danish Conductors Association, JazzDanmark, a.o.