Emanuele Maniscalco - Piano
Francesco Bigoni - Tenor Saxophone & Clarinet
Mark Solborg - Guitar
Three years after their critically-acclaimed first eponymous LP, Emanuele Maniscalco, Francesco Bigoni and Mark Solborg are ready to deliver a new chapter of their journey. Put together a whole new set of original compositions, the amazing acoustics of the “Ridotto”, the hall, of one of the best-preserved opera houses in Italy, three years of focused concert activity around Europe, and you have ‘FOIL’.
The album is a natural continuation of the debut: the thin boundary between composed and improvised output has grown even more seamless, longer forms are preferred together with oblique orchestrations and a somehow more raw sonic approach. Breathing and playing with the delicate room, the three musicians cherish an investigative interest in musical conversation and interplay on an almost architectural playground infused with fertile textures and melodic landscapes for three voices.
Contemporary chamber music with room to explore musical poetics enhanced or emphasized by contrasting motions - much like the beautiful analogue three-dimensional ceiling of the Ridotto on the front cover.
Here's a taste:
The original approach of the Danish/Italian trio has taken them to festivals and venues in Berlin, Porto, Copenhagen, London (w. the great Evan Parker as guest) , Brescia, Ferrara, a.o. 2018 touring includes the Jazz d’Or festival of Strasbourg, Vinterjazz DK, Copenhagen Jazzfest, Italy, Germany and more.
FOIL is recorded and processed by some of the best in Europe within sound. A limited vinyl edition will emerge on ILK in connection with the touring of fall 2018.
This album and general activities are supported by:
Fondazione del Teatro Grande di Brescia, The Danish Arts Foundation, JazzDanmark, Koda’s Cultural Funds,
Danish Conductors Association and DJBFA.
The trio and ILK proudly presents this new and exciting contribution. Enjoy!
Album info
Artist: Maniscalco/Bigoni/Solborg
Catalog no.: ILK281CD/LP
Label: ILK
Barcodes: 5706274008562/5706274009545
Release date: June 29th 2018
1. Being Kepesh [Bigoni] 1:06
2. Day To Day Diplomacy [Solborg] 4:50
3. May be Simple [Maniscalco] 6:31
4. FOIL [bigoni] 8:50
5. Nisimasa [Maniscalco] 2:05
6. Ridotto [Bigoni] 2:01
7. Cogito Ascorbicum [Bigoni] 4:28
8. Low Land [Solborg] 5:10
9. Voices from the Ground I [Solborg] 6:45
10.Voices from the Ground II [Solborg] 5:01
11. In Memoriam [Solborg] 3:49
Total Time: 51:00
Info and Contact:
UK: Discovery
USA: Stateside
Japan: Disc Union
Digital: The Orchard
Webshop: ilkmusic.com
“Maniscalco er et fund af pianistisk intelligens og sensitiv transparens .. Bigonis mestring af euro-klassisk klarinetspil får Solborgs stoflige guitar føjet ind under .. Solborgs Voices From the Ground er et mesterstykke.. Det er stort!” - Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)
“Maniscalco is a treasure of pianistic intelligence and sensitive transparency .. Bigonis mastery of euro-classical clarinet with Solborgs textural guitar underneath .. Solborgs "Voices From the Ground" is a masterpiece.. This is grand!" - Bjarne Søltoft, Jazzspecial (DK)
“..mastery of texture and subtlety.. This music is evidently approached and played with great care (..), underlining the skill and empathy of the players in the creation of this haunting episode."
- Mark Gilbert, Jazz Journal (UK)
“The mastery of each note is absolute"
- Nicola Barin, Jazz Convention (ITA)
♥♥♥♥♥ (5/6) Fascinating and original. The trio are like three wise men .. and has created their very own sound with a melodic atmosphere of adventure and attention to the smallest details. - Christian Munch-Hansen, Politiken.
..this is music of the kind that makes the world stand still. The trio navigates freely and with intense concentration in chamber musical interplay.
- Niels Overgaard, Jazznyt
“..unique architecture of sounds and melodies. The trio plays these pieces as an intimate, three-voices choir that sings folk-like, melodic motifs as contemplative hymns, with great attention to detail and dynamics, making full usage of the great acoustics of the recording space. "
(Eyal Hareuveni, freejazzblog.org) http://www.freejazzblog.org/2018/07/emanuele-maniscalco-francesco-bigoni.html