Simon Toldam and I often often meet in Copenhagen working with the label ILK and it’s music. ..and from time to time we hook up for investigations of guitar, piano and organ performing compositions by me and intense minimalistic improvisations. Recently the work has also involved live performed soundtracks to silent movies with the great Asta Nielsen. We both bring a strong personal approach to the project. After several full houses and good reviews the interest has been growing rapidly.
Simon is one of Scandinavias most in-demand pianists. His work with Han Bennink, Eggs Laid By Tigers and own groups has been highly praised internationally and in Denmark. Toldam leads a trio and the sextet STORK. Both expresses Simons original approach to composition and contemporary music with integrity.. In 2015 Simon received a three-year working grant from the Danish Arts Foundation.
Currently this project has expanded to a quartet with Axel Dörner (DE) and Yasuhiro Yashigaki (JP). The Quartet met at 5e during Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2017. We toured Japan September 17th-25th 2018. Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto and back to Pitt Inn, Tokyo. What a blast!
Footage from Studio T-Bone, Osaka :
February 2017 also held great concerts in Tokyo, Japan. Live to Asta Nielsens "The Abyss" at packed Tokyo Northern Lights Festival, Opening the music export-program "Opposite 2017" at Superdeluxe and small club with legendary Yasuhiro Yoshigaki. Thanks to JazzDanmark and Eva Frost, SNYK, Jazzhouse, Dansk Kapelmesterforening and DPA.
Photos: Brian Scott Peters
From Copenhagen Jazzfestival 2016. Photos Peter Ganushkin
Danish music writer and connoisseur Christian Braad Thomsen described the music as "Vederkvægende" - means something like "refreshing" or "unctuous"... ..makes sense in many ways.
Now a visit to Japan and the film festival Northern Lights (http://tnlf.jp/) is being planned for February 2017.
A raw live recording of “Die Filmprimadonna” at Cinemateket: